Mezcal Old Fashioned: A Modern Twist on a Classic Cocktail


Mezcal Old Fashioned A Modern Twist on a Classic Cocktail

The “Mezcal Old Fashioned” is a modern interpretation of the timeless cocktail, blending the smoky essence of mezcal with the traditional elements of an Old Fashioned. It represents a fusion of heritage and innovation, where the rich history of mezcal meets contemporary mixology. By replacing whiskey with mezcal, this cocktail introduces a new depth of flavor while retaining the essence of the beloved classic.

In this updated version, the bold and earthy notes of mezcal intertwine with the sweetness of agave syrup and the aromatic bitterness of Angostura bitters. The result “Mezcal Old Fashioned: A Modern Twist on a Classic Cocktail” is a balanced and intriguing cocktail that appeals to fans of classic drinks and those seeking adventurous flavor experiences. The Mezcal Old Fashioned serves as a testament to the endless possibilities of cocktail evolution, showcasing how a simple twist can breathe new life into a cherished favorite.

What’s the Story Behind the Old Fashioned?

The story behind the Old Fashioned traces back to the early 19th century when it emerged as one of the first known cocktails. It originated as a simple mixture of whiskey, sugar, water, and bitters, embodying the essence of classic American cocktail culture.

Over the years, the Old Fashioned has evolved, adapting to changing tastes and trends while retaining its core elements. It has become a symbol of timeless elegance and sophistication, cherished by cocktail enthusiasts worldwide for its simplicity and depth of flavor.

Why Mezcalum in Your Old Fashioned?

Mezcalum brings a unique twist to your Old Fashioned, infusing it with the rich heritage and flavors of Oaxaca, Mexico. Crafted with artisanal care, Mezcalum is made from rare Espadin and Cuishe agave varieties, offering a smoky complexity that elevates the cocktail experience.

With Mezcalum, you’re not just mixing a drink; you’re embracing a mindful approach to drinking. It’s zero carbs, zero sugar, and all-natural profile align with modern preferences for authenticity and quality, making it the perfect choice for conscious consumers seeking a premium cocktail experience.

Why Mezcalum in Your Old Fashioned

Mezcalum Old Fashioned Recipe

Crafted with Mezcalum Espadin & Cuishe Mezcal, this recipe offers a smoky twist on the classic Old Fashioned cocktail.

  • ¼ ounce simple syrup
  • 2 dashes of bitters (such as Angostura), or more to taste
  • 1 cup ice cubes, or more as needed
  • 1 (3 inch) piece orange peel
  • 1 ounce mezcal
  • 1 ounce añejo (aged) tequila
  • 1 Luxardo cherry (optional)

What Makes the Mezcalum Old Fashioned Unique?

The Mezcalum Old Fashioned stands out for its infusion of artisanal mezcal, bringing a touch of Oaxacan heritage to the classic cocktail. Its zero carbs, zero sugar, and all-natural profile align with modern preferences for authenticity and quality, setting it apart from traditional variations.

With its smoky complexity and mindful ingredients, the Mezcalum Old Fashioned isn’t just a drink; it’s a statement of authenticity and quality in the cocktail world. This unique twist on a beloved classic offers an unforgettable taste experience, inviting drinkers to savor the rich flavors of mezcal while embracing the spirit of Oaxacan craftsmanship.

Spicy Mezcalum Old Fashioned

This adds a fiery kick to the classic cocktail, infusing it with bold flavors and dynamic heat. With the addition of spicy elements like jalapeño-infused mezcal or chili bitters, it transforms the traditional recipe into an exciting and adventurous libation.

Spicy Mezcalum Old Fashioned

This modern twist on the Old Fashioned offers a thrilling sensory experience, tantalizing the taste buds with a harmonious balance of smokiness from the mezcal and intense heat from the spicy ingredients. Perfect for those seeking a cocktail with a bit of a punch, the Spicy Mezcalum Old Fashioned is sure to leave a lasting impression on adventurous drinkers.

Mezcalum Old Fashioned NO Tequila

The offers a unique variation on the classic cocktail, substituting tequila with solely mezcal for a distinctive flavor profile. With the absence of tequila, the smoky complexities of mezcal take center stage, delivering a rich and robust drinking experience. Perfect for mezcal enthusiasts or those seeking a departure from the traditional Old Fashioned, this version offers a bold and flavorful twist on a beloved favorite.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a different type of mezcal for this recipe?

Yes, you can experiment with other types of mezcal for this recipe, but keep in mind that the flavor may vary depending on the brand and variety used.

Is there a vegan-friendly garnish alternative to the cherry?

Absolutely! You can use a vegan-friendly garnish such as a maraschino cherry that’s certified vegan, or simply skip the cherry and stick with the orange twist for a fresh, citrusy garnish.

Can I make a batch of Mezcalum Old Fashioned in advance?

While it’s best to mix each Mezcalum Old Fashioned individually for freshness, you can pre-mix the Mezcal and bitters in a pitcher and add the sugar and garnishes when serving to save time.

Where can I learn more about Mezcalum and its product?

Dive into the world of Mezcalum by visiting their website or checking out their About Us page, where you’ll find detailed information about their heritage, production process, and Maestro Mezcalero’s ancestral wisdom.


The Mezcal Old Fashioned represents a fusion of tradition and innovation, offering a fresh interpretation of the classic cocktail. With its incorporation of smoky mezcal alongside traditional ingredients, it introduces drinkers to a new realm of flavor while paying homage to the rich heritage of mezcal production.

The Mezcal Old Fashioned epitomizes the spirit of exploration in mixology, inviting enthusiasts to embrace new taste experiences while honoring the roots of cocktail culture. As a modern twist on a beloved favorite, it serves as a symbol of creativity and evolution in the ever-evolving world of cocktails, ensuring that tradition and innovation continue to thrive side by side.

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