How to Get into Modeling?


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How to Get into Modeling?

In a world where beauty standards are evolving, the modeling industry has become a canvas for diverse representation. Gone are the days when conformity was the norm; today, individuality reigns supreme. The allure of the modeling profession lies not only in its glamour but also in the opportunity to embrace one’s unique qualities and share them with the world.

Whether you aspire to grace the runways of New York Fashion Week or captivate audiences in print and digital campaigns, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights to navigate the thrilling yet competitive landscape of modeling.

Determine Your Niche: Find Your Modeling Sweet Spot

The modeling industry is a multifaceted realm, offering a myriad of opportunities for individuals with diverse looks and talents. Before embarking on your journey, it’s crucial to identify your niche and tailor your approach accordingly. Here are some of the most prominent genres within the modeling world:

Runway Modeling

Synonymous with the high-fashion realm, runway modeling is the epitome of grace and poise. From strutting down the catwalks of prestigious fashion houses to unveiling the latest collections at global events like New York Fashion Week and Paris Fashion Week, runway models are the embodiment of elegance and confidence.

While this genre often favors a specific physique and height, it’s important to remember that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Embracing your unique features can open doors to unconventional runways and boundary-pushing designers.

Commercial and Print Modeling

If you possess a versatile look and the ability to connect with audiences, commercial and print modeling might be the perfect avenue for you. These models are the faces behind advertising campaigns for major retail brands like Target, T.J. Maxx, and countless others.

From billboards to magazine spreads, their captivating presence sells products and captures the essence of a brand’s story. Commercial modeling offers opportunities for individuals with diverse backgrounds and appearances, as casting directors seek relatable and authentic personalities.

Fitness Modeling

Fitness Modeling

For those with a passion for an active lifestyle and a toned physique, fitness modeling presents an exciting opportunity. From sportswear ad campaigns to fitness videos and underwear gigs, these models embody the epitome of health and vitality. Fitness models not only possess a sculpted physique but also exude confidence and motivation, inspiring audiences to embrace a healthier way of living.

Parts Modeling

Often overlooked but equally important, parts modeling celebrates the beauty of specific features. From hand modeling to showcase intricate jewelry designs or foot modeling for footwear campaigns, this niche requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to convey a product’s essence through a single body part. Embracing your unique features can open doors to a world of creative expression and job opportunities.

The key to finding your modeling sweet spot lies in identifying your strengths, embracing your individuality, and aligning your path with the genre that best resonates with your aspirations and physical attributes.

Crafting Your Modeling Portfolio

In the modeling world, your portfolio is your visual résumé a curated collection of images that showcases your versatility, personality, and potential. A well-crafted portfolio can open doors to countless opportunities and help you stand out among the competition. Here’s how to create a portfolio that captivates and inspires:

  1. Headshots: Your headshot is the cornerstone of your portfolio, capturing your unique features and conveying your essence. Seek out a professional photographer who specializes in artistic headshots, as these differ from traditional acting headshots. Artistic headshots prioritize mood, lighting, and artistic merit, allowing your natural beauty to shine through.
  2. Full-Body Shots: In addition to headshots, your portfolio should include a variety of full-body shots that highlight your physique, poses, and overall presence. These images should be simple yet impactful, often featuring form-fitting outfits against a plain background.
  3. Digitals: In the digital age, agencies and clients often request digital files of your portfolio, so be prepared to have a selection of high-quality images in a shareable format.
  4. Personality and Versatility: While your physical attributes are essential, your portfolio should also showcase your personality and versatility. Work with photographers who can capture different moods, styles, and settings, allowing potential clients to envision you in various roles.
  5. Collaboration and Networking: Building a strong portfolio often involves collaborating with aspiring photographers, stylists, and makeup artists. Utilize platforms like Instagram to connect with creatives in your area who are eager to build their portfolios while helping you expand yours.
  6. Continuous Updates: Your portfolio should be a living, evolving representation of your growth as a model. Regularly update it with new, diverse images that reflect your evolving look and skills.

Remember, your modeling portfolio is your opportunity to make a lasting first impression. Invest time and effort into curating a collection that not only showcases your best assets but also captivates and inspires those who view it.

Networking and Building Connections

In the ever-evolving world of modeling, networking and building connections can be the key to unlocking new opportunities and propelling your career forward. Here are some effective strategies to expand your network and increase your visibility:

Networking and Building Connections
  1. Leverage Social Media Platforms: Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter have become powerful tools for models to showcase their work, connect with industry professionals, and build a dedicated following. Use these platforms to share your best shots, engage with your audience, and connect with photographers, agencies, and potential clients.
  2. Attend Local Fashion Events and Open Calls: Keep an eye out for local fashion shows, exhibitions, and open casting calls. These events provide invaluable opportunities to network with fellow models, designers, photographers, and industry insiders. Engage in conversations, exchange contacts, and make lasting connections.
  3. Seek Guidance from Experienced Professionals: Reach out to established models or industry professionals in your area and request informational interviews or mentorship opportunities. Their insights and advice can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of the modeling world and avoiding common pitfalls.
  4. Collaborate with Fellow Creatives: Building relationships with photographers, makeup artists, and stylists can lead to mutual growth and exposure. Collaborate on test shoots, share each other’s work, and support one another’s endeavors.
  5. Join Online Communities and Forums: Participate in online modeling communities and forums, where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and gain valuable insights from those who have walked the path before you.

Remember, networking is not just about making connections; it’s about fostering genuine relationships and supporting each other’s growth. Approach every interaction with authenticity, professionalism, and a willingness to learn and collaborate.

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Navigating the Agency World

While it’s possible to pursue modeling independently, aligning yourself with a reputable agency can open doors to larger, higher-profile opportunities and provide invaluable guidance throughout your career. However, navigating the agency world requires careful research and discernment. Here’s what you need to know:

Research and Approach Reputable Agencies

Start by researching agencies that represent models with a similar look and style to your own. Look for agencies with a strong reputation and a track record of successfully placing their talents. Websites like Backstage’s Call Sheet resource and online modeling communities can be valuable sources of information.

Understand Agency Submission Requirements

Each agency has its own submission guidelines, which may include specific requirements for headshots, full-body shots, digitals, and other materials. Carefully review and follow these guidelines to ensure your submission stands out.

Prepare for Agency Meetings and Go-Sees

If an agency expresses interest, be prepared for meetings or “go-sees” (model auditions). These are opportunities for the agency to assess your look, personality, and potential fit within their roster. Dress professionally, bring your portfolio, and be ready to discuss your goals and experience.

Recognize Red Flags

While the majority of agencies operate ethically, it’s important to be aware of potential scams. Reputable agencies should never require upfront fees or pressure you into purchasing their services or products. Be wary of agencies that make grandiose promises or seem too eager to sign you without proper evaluation.

Trust Your Instincts

Choosing the right agency is a crucial decision that can impact your career trajectory. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to ask questions or walk away if something doesn’t feel right

Once you’ve secured representation with a reputable agency, embrace the partnership and leverage their expertise and industry connections. A strong agency can provide invaluable guidance, advice, and access to opportunities that may have been out of reach as an independent model.

Acing the Go-See (with examples)

Go-sees, or model auditions, are your chance to make a lasting impression and secure coveted modeling gigs. While the prospect of these auditions can be daunting, preparation and confidence are key to standing out from the crowd. Here are some tips to help you ace your next go-see:

Mindset and Attitude Approach every go-see with a positive mindset and a confident, yet humble, attitude. Remember, casting directors are not only evaluating your physical appearance but also your personality and professionalism. Maintain a friendly and approachable demeanor, and be prepared to engage in casual conversation.

Preparation and Punctuality Arrive at the go-see well-groomed and on time (or even a few minutes early). Ensure your portfolio is organized and readily accessible. Dress in a way that showcases your look and aligns with the type of modeling gig you’re auditioning for whether it’s high fashion, commercial, or fitness.

Confidence and Presence Once you’ve signed in and are called for your audition, exude confidence and a strong presence. Walk with purpose, make eye contact, and be prepared to follow the casting director’s instructions. Remember, they’re not just evaluating your appearance but also your ability to take direction and adapt to different scenarios.

Standing Out While it’s important to follow instructions, don’t be afraid to showcase your unique personality and flair. Share a genuine smile, engage in friendly conversation, and let your individuality shine through. A casting director may be looking for that special something that sets you apart from the crowd.

Example: Imagine you’re attending a go-see for a high-fashion runway show. As you enter the audition space, maintain a poised and confident demeanor. When called upon, walk with purpose and grace, following the casting director’s instructions to showcase your runway walk and poses. Throughout the process, remain open and receptive to feedback, and let your passion for the craft shine through.

By approaching go-sees with the right mindset, preparation, and confidence, you’ll increase your chances of leaving a lasting impression and securing the modeling gig of your dreams.

Perseverance and Determination: Key to Success

The journey to becoming a successful model is often paved with challenges and setbacks. However, those who embrace perseverance and determination will be well-equipped to navigate these obstacles and ultimately achieve their goals. Here are some essential tips to help you stay focused and motivated:

Perseverance and Determination Key to Success
  1. Realistic Expectations: It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the modeling industry’s competitive nature. Success may not come overnight, and rejections are part of the process. Embrace each experience as an opportunity to grow and refine your skills.
  2. Balancing a Survival Job: Modeling gigs, especially in the early stages of your career, may not provide a steady income. Consider securing a flexible “survival job” that allows you to attend go-sees and photoshoots while covering your living expenses.
  3. Staying Motivated: Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, and fellow models who understand the demands of the industry. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and use setbacks as fuel to push harder towards your goals.
  4. Continuous Learning and Growth: Embrace a growth mindset by seeking out workshops, classes, or mentorship opportunities. Continuously refine your skills, expand your knowledge, and stay up-to-date with industry trends and techniques.
  5. Self-Care and Balance: The modeling industry can be physically and mentally demanding. Prioritize self-care by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, practicing stress-management techniques, and finding balance between work and personal life.

Remember, perseverance and determination are not just traits they are choices you make every day. Approach each challenge with resilience and a unwavering commitment to your dreams, and you’ll be well on your way to a fulfilling and successful modeling career.

Modeling Resources and Further Reading

The path to becoming a model is a journey of continuous learning and growth. To support you along the way, here are some valuable resources and recommended reading materials:

Modeling Resources and Further Reading


  • “The Model’s Bible” by Rebecca Leigh Longendyke and Sarah Doukas
  • “How to Become a Successful Model” by Naomi Shumpert
  • “The Modelpreneur’s Mindset” by Alisia Ren

Websites and Online Communities:

  • A platform for models, photographers, and industry professionals to connect and collaborate.
  • r/modeling: A subreddit dedicated to discussions and advice about the modeling industry.
  • A blog and resource hub for aspiring and working models.

Modeling Workshops and Classes:

  • Liris Crosse’s Model Masterclass: Offered by the renowned plus-size model and fashion expert, this workshop covers various aspects of the industry, from portfolio building to runway coaching.
  • The Model Experience: A comprehensive program that provides training in runway, posing, and portfolio development.
  • Local Community Colleges: Many community colleges offer introductory modeling courses and workshops, providing a cost-effective way to gain foundational skills.

Advice from Industry Experts:

Passion is definitely one of the key deciding factors because that motivates the individual to want to do what it takes. If they want to pursue it, they’ve gotta get out there and find out if there’s an agency that suits them. They’ve gotta go for it.

Jack Maiden, Director at Mavrick Models

Modeling is truly an art form, and you have to respect it and do the research and the work. I think it’s important, especially for new models, to get information from people who have actually done it.

Liris Crosse, Plus-Size Model and Masterclass Instructor

Embrace these resources, and remember that the journey to becoming a successful model is one of continuous learning, growth, and perseverance. With dedication and an unwavering passion for the craft, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that arise along the way.


The world of modeling is a captivating and ever-evolving realm, offering countless opportunities for those who possess the passion, dedication, and resilience to pursue their dreams. By embracing your individuality, crafting a compelling portfolio, networking strategically, and navigating the agency world with discernment, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the doors of this exciting industry.

Remember, success in modeling is not solely defined by the number of gigs or the prestige of the brands you represent. It’s about the journey the lessons learned, the connections forged, and the personal growth that accompanies each experience. Approach every challenge with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and an unwavering commitment to your goals.

The path may be winding, but with perseverance and determination as your guiding lights, you’ll be well-equipped to overcome obstacles and carve out a fulfilling and rewarding career in the world of modeling. Embrace your uniqueness, trust your instincts, and let your passion shine through the modeling world is waiting to be captivated by your authentic presence.

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